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  • June

    KB Financial Group won the Korea Innovation Awards (Social Value/ESG Innovation category) for 2 consecutive years

    KB Securities Won the 2024 National Service Award (Subscription-based Investment Management category - PRIME CLUB - 4 consecutive years) (Industrial Policy Research Institute (IPS))

    KB Kookmin Card Awarded the 2024 Most Recommended Brand by Consumers (Credit Card category for 9 consecutive years)

    KB Life Insurance KB Life Tower received a gold certification in the 'LEED' green building certification system (US Green Building Council (USGBC))

    KB Life Insurance ‘Dream a Dream’ SNS Campaign won the Bronze Prize in the Financial Communications category of the PR Awards Asia-Pacific 2024

  • May

    KB Kookmin Bank Ranked 1st among commercial banks in the Interbrand’s ‘Best Korea Brands’ for 12 consecutive years

    KB Kookmin Bank Selected as the 'Korea's Best Custodian Bank' by The Asian Banker for 10 consecutive years

    KB Kookmin Card Won the 2024 Korea Leading Financial ESG Awards: (Card category leader)

    KB Savings Bank Kiwibank won the ‘2024 Customer-Loving Brands Awards’ in the savings bank category for 10 consecutive years (JoongAng Ilbo)

  • April

    KB Kookmin Card Won a main award in the iF Design Award 2024 (Communication category)

  • March

    KB Securities Won the Gold Award in the LACP Vision Awards ESG Report (Financial Industry) (LACP: League of American Communications Professionals))

    KB Kookmin Card Awarded the 2024 Korea Industry Brand Power (Check Card category)

  • February

    KB Investment Awarded the ‘2024 Best Execution House’ Award (Korea Venture Capital Association & The Bell)

  • January

    KB Securities Won the 18th Customer Satisfaction Management Award: Financial/Securities category (Hall of Fame - 18 consecutive years) (The Korea Economic Daily)

    KB Insurance Won the Financial Supervisory Service Governor’s Award in the Korea Financial Consumer Awards (E-Daily)

    KB Kookmin Card Won the 2024 Customer Satisfaction Management Award: Financial/Card category (17 consecutive years)

    KB Kookmin Card Awarded the 2024 Most Trusted Brand Chosen By Consumers in the credit card category (9 consecutive years)

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