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CEO Message

Chairman Jong Hee Yang of KB Financial Group. Chairman Jong Hee Yang of KB Financial Group.

Dear Fellow Shareholders and Customers.

We would like to express our deepest gratitude to our valued shareholders and customers who continue to trust and support us, as well as all our stakeholders who are evolving and advancing alongside us.

At KB, our focus has always been on expanding and dedicating our capabilities and becoming a lifelong financial partner that can “grow together with the people.” To do so, we are committed to upholding the following principles.

  • First.

    we will keep working persistently to foster win-win relationships within our communities. We will connect with various stakeholders in our communities to find areas where we can fulfill our duties as a responsible member of communities and lead by example as a top financial group.

  • Second.

    we will strive to provide the best customer experience. As a financial institution, we pledge to uphold ethical sales practices and protect our customers' assets.

  • Third.

    we will foster a corporate culture cultivating sense of pride and unlocking the potential of employees. Our goal is to create a rewarding and fulfilling work environment and establish a corporate culture that values and respects hardworking employees.

  • Fourth.

    we will do our utmost to meet the expectations of shareholders who have shown us their unwavering trust and generous support. We are dedicated to enhancing social values alongside corporate values to serve interests of all our stakeholders, including our communities, customers and employees and meet unwavering trust and support of shareholders.

We are committed to delivering on our promise of building a better tomorrow growing together with the people, bringing happiness to our customers and contributing to creating a better world.

We ask for your continued interest and support for KB.

KB Financial Group Inc. Chairman & CEO

Jong Hee Yang
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