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Our History

See how KBFG has developed over the years.

Growing into a Global Financial Institution

KB Financial Group, with its origin rooted in Kookmin Bank and Housing & Commercial Bank, was established in 2008 to better serve our clients and deliver more value. KB Financial Group has become a truly comprehensive financial group with a total of 13 subsidiary companies, having Woori Financial, LIG Insurance, Hyundai Securities and Prudential Life as new family members for the enhancement of business in the non-bank sector. As Korea's leading financial institution, we are providing a full range of financial products and services to our clients to make their financial lives better. We strive to innovate and move forward continuously to bring more value and drive growth.

  • Jun

    KB Kookmin Bank Established a subsidiary 'KB Fund Partners' to strengthen fund services business

    Established a subsidiary 'KB Fund Partners' to strengthen fund services business img

    KB Kookmin Bank Selected as the final participant in the 'Mobile ID Private Sector Participation Companies' announced by the Ministry of the Interior and Safety

  • May

    KB Financial Group Obtained the highest 'AAA' rating in the 'MSCI ESG Ratings' for 2 consecutive years as the first domestic financial company

    Obtained the highest 'AAA' rating in the 'MSCI ESG Ratings' for 2 consecutive years as the first domestic financial company img

    KB Financial Group Pre-announced and disclosed a 'Corporate Value Enhancement Plan' first in Korea

  • Apr

    KB Financial Group Implemented the first “AI Link Service” for inter-affiliate customer center consultations in the financial sector

    Implemented the first “AI Link Service” for inter-affiliate customer center consultations in the financial sector img

    KB Kookmin Bank 'KB Liiv M,' combining finance and telecommunications, officially designated as a bank’s auxiliary business for budget phone services

    KB Kookmin Card Launched KB Kookmin Traveler's Check Card

    Launched KB Kookmin Traveler's Check Card img
  • Mar

    KB Securities 'M-able Mini' launched the first ai-based conversational service 'Stock AI' in the securities industry

    KB Insurance Introduced the first AI business card service in the insurance industry

    KB Kookmin Card Issued the first public offering of hybrid securities as a domestic specialized credit finance company

  • Feb

    KB Financial Group Selected as the only domestic financial company in the ‘Top 1%’ in S&P Global ‘2023 Corporate Sustainability Assessment’

    Selected as the only domestic financial company in the ‘Top 1%’ in S&P Global ‘2023 Corporate Sustainability Assessment’ img

    KB Financial Group Expanded 「Regional Care Centers」 in collaboration with the Ministry of Education to fill childcare gaps

    Expanded 「Regional Care Centers」 in collaboration with the Ministry of Education to fill childcare gaps img

    KB Kookmin Bank Launched 'KB PRASAC Bank,' an integrated commercial bank in Cambodia

    Launched 'KB PRASAC Bank,' an integrated commercial bank in Cambodia img
  • Jan

    KB Financial Group Selected as the only domestic financial company in the ‘Global 100 Most Sustainable Corporations’ for 2 consecutive years

    Selected as the only domestic financial company in the ‘Global 100 Most Sustainable Corporations’ for 2 consecutive years img

    KB Kookmin Bank Implemented mutual growth finance with the largest support in the banking sector, providing 372.1 billion KRW in people's livelihood finance

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